The FD 55mm f/1.2 to EF conversion kit!
The FD Breech Lock 55mm f/1.2 series conversion kits are now shipping.
The FD 55mm conversion kit will maintain your cameras crop factor, enable focusing to infinite without any degradation in photo quality. Nothing currently available surpasses the build quality of a metal mount. Built and plated using commercial equipment and processes. Don’t settle for anything less. Order yours now!
Everything you need is included, FDtoEF conversion plate, aperture controller arm, and replace screws. The conversion kit will support the most popular three FD breech lock standard lenses.
FD55mm f/1.2 Chrome Nose
FD55mm f/1.2 S.S.C
FD55mm f/1.2 S.S.C Aspherical
The original Chrome Nose FD 55mm f/1.2 was first introduced in 1971 and has the same SSC coating as the S.S.C. version (marked “S.S.C”) introduced along with the S.S.C AL (Aspherical) version in 1973.
The FD 55mm f/1.2 S.S.C. the newer version of the Chrome Nose is a large aperture standard lens based on the optical system of the FL 55mm f/1.2. Despite its large aperture, it is highly reputed for its high contrast and stabilized image definition at full aperture opening. Because of its fast f/1.2 speed, it provides high image quality in low light level photography.
The FD 55mm f/1.2 AL (The abbreviation “AL” stands for the “Aspherical Lens”). The ground and polished glass aspherical surface is applied at the front surface of the second lens element. This aspherical lens makes central and peripheral light converge on a single focusing point to correct aberrations. High contrast definition is obtained even at the maximum aperture of f/1.2.
The FD 55mm f/1.2 S.S.C. Aspherical introduced in 1975 is a specially developed large aperture standard lens that uses an aspherical surface glass. This lens provides the highest contrast, even in the corners.
*Courtesy of Canon Museum